1 There are no AOL profiles in the specified directory. Click OK to choose another directory. 2 ImportAOL could not find the directory '%s' to search for AOL profiles.\nError: %s\n\nClick OK to choose another directory. 3 ImportAOL could not access file '%s' to see if it's an AOL profile.\nError: %s\n\nClick Abort to choose another directory, Retry to attempt to access the file again, or Ignore to skip this file. 4 One of the Windows system routines necessary for proper ImportAol operation has failed. As a result, ImportAol is stopping. This is most likely due to a lack of resources (memory, disk space) on this machine.\n\nRecommended actions include re-installing the SyncIT service, or E-mailing the following information to support@bookmarksync.com.\n\nError: %s